Friday, April 27, 2018

Level Selection ++

So it's been a little while since my last update and wanted to share some new things that I have going on right now. It's funny, I've watch so many tutorials and developer vlogs from so many talented people... I know that they would've finished my game in like 2 weeks, meanwhile I'm struggling to keep the player from walking through walls! It frustrating not knowing what I'm doing, but also fun and rewarding when I figure out such a simple thing. Anyway, on to the reason I'm here... to post new goodies!

I've been trying to think of a way to make the "Scores" screen more interesting. At the same time, I found a better way to code my level selection room that made it easier for me to add more levels with less work. Then I had an idea to combine the two things together, level selection and the score for that level shown all at once! Yeah, I know this is not a new concept, but I was proud of myself for incorporating the two as I did. So here it is, the new score and level selection screen! (Oh, and please forgive my bad placeholder art!)

Next thing to share is..... DEATH! Muahaha! Ok, sorry for being lame... But yes, I've added death to the game. Along with death, I added a fun little screen shake to make things look a little more... alive? Which is ironic since were talking about player death? Anyway... here's death!

So? what do you think? Neat huh? I have two more tricks up my sleeve before I get to bed tonight. This one I like to call, checkpoints! So I figured that at some point, I'm going to design some complicated levels and a checkpoint system wouldn't be a bad idea to have. But there's a catch... if you use one, you get a penalty to your timer! So do you utilize the checkpoint, or skip it for a faster time?

I'm not done with the checkpoints just yet. I want to add an indicator that lets the player know that time has been added to the timer. But trust me, just getting it to work right was a challenge for my tiny little mind!

Last but not least was something I added just tonight. It was only added because I found a different way to do my collision code thanks to a tutorial by Zack Bell. If it wasn't for his code, I'd still be struggling trying to figure out sub-pixel collisions, let alone this new goodie.... Slopes! Now my little rectangle can actually move up and down a slope without being confounded by the complexity that is... slopes!

So there's my current updates and progress for now. Maybe one day someone will look back at this and see how I went from knowing absolutely nothing about coding and game design, to maybe one day having a semi-successful game that sells like... 10 copies! That would be awesome! Thanks for stopping by, and I'll see you in the next update!

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