Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Moving Platforms (for real this time!)

Ok, so last time I posted about moving platforms, I thought I was done. Apparently I was not. :)

Although I did have them working, they apparently had an issue when the player was hanging off the edge of one and then collided with the floor. You would naturally think that as you hang off the edge of the platform and collide with a floor, it would push you or something along those lines. But you can not make assumptions when coding!

So yeah, as you can see... that's no good. I had a lot of issues I had to sort out there because of the moving platform being a child of the floor object and other coding blah blah blah stuff. At one point, I though I had it solved... but I was wrong and lost a few hairs on my head because of it. ;)

I watched a million videos and I visited many forum and reddit posts trying to find help. Although I did get suggestions from many nice people, I never got exactly the help I needed. There were a few times I wanted to just give up and throw the whole project away... all over some moving platforms. I even thought of just removing them from the game and pretending they were never a thing! But they are a thing and I didn't want to give up... so I kept at it... kept looking for a solution... and I finally freaking found one! Or better yet, I should say, I solved my own problem!

Look at those beautiful moving platforms! Look at how smoothly they move the player! How they gently push the player out of the way. It almost brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it? No? It doesn't? It's just me? Oh well... I'm proud of them nonetheless! And since you stayed around to read my nonsense, I'll reward you with a nifty look at the new trick I taught my lasers! (At least I think I haven't shared this yet... if I have... just pretend I didn't and enjoy them anyway because they're neat!

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Moving Platforms!

So it's been quite a while since my last update. I assure you, I've been working hard on the game in my absence. :)

I got stuck for quite a while on implementing moving platforms! My goodness those things were not as easy as I was thinking they would be. I mean, maybe they'd be easier if my code were completely different, but as it stands now... geeze they were a pain!

But I think I've finally gotten them to a point where they work the way I think they should work! One of the main issues I was having was what to do when they "crushed" the player. There was so many checks that I had to account for that made it very difficult to figure out. Or, at least that's what I thought. In the end, the solution actually was easier to implement than I thought.

(I know, I just said it was a pain then turned right around and said it was easy. What can I say, I'm a complicated person!)

But anyway, now that I have moving platforms sorted out, I can finally begin working on something else! So here it is, the gif of moving platforms that you've been waiting to see! (I sometimes like to pretend that someone is actually reading these blog posts!)

Thanks for stopping by. I hope to have another update soon! :)

Moving Platforms (for real this time!)

Ok, so last time I posted about moving platforms, I thought I was done. Apparently I was not. :) Although I did have them working, they ap...